Environmental Monitoring is a powerful tool in the field of environmental management as it allows us to verify in real time the impacts generated in the implementation of different types of projects. Observations consist of collecting various environmental parameters on a continuous or recurring basis.
Based on this information, the ECP conducts a study and continuous monitoring of all environmental variables in order to assess quantitatively and qualitatively, the conditions of natural resources at a specific time and over time. In a micro and macro-scale monitoring process, the control of emissions, whether gaseous or liquid, is verified in different geographical contexts, allowing the maintenance of balance of the environment. ECP acts to contribute to its customers and the environment, making measurements using the most modern equipment on the market, always with a specific eye on determining impacts, measuring its magnitude and proposing possible mitigation or environmental compensation measures.

• Compliance with the Legal Requirements specified in the Environmental Licenses, through the Monitoring of Physical Parameters;
• Monitoring of Environmental Noise Levels;
• Monitoring of Air Quality Levels through the AGV PTS Equipment (HI-VOL);
• Monitoring of Suspended Particulate Levels and Gases;
• Inspection in the Work Fronts of Licensed Enterprises.